Donations for World Day of Prayer 2025

Donations are gratefully received as they are vital for maintaining World Day of Prayer and funding the grant program. In 2023/2024, 14 grants helped restore social justice to the lives of over 1000 women and children in Canada and internationally.

Anyone attending a World Day of Prayer service should have an opportunity to donate as part of informed prayer AND prayerful action.


ONLINE DONATIONS: We are encouraging online donations to minimize WICC operational costs. Tax receipts for these donations will be emailed to you by Canada Helps.

CLICK the DONATE button on the WICC website (

Or DONATE BY TEXT using (647) 953-5557 from a smartphone.


Individual CHEQUES

Cheques should be made out to the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada or WICC and mailed to:

WICC (Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada)
47 Queen’s Park Crescent East
Toronto, ON  M5S 2C3

Please make sure that any cheques include a mailing address so tax receipts can be provided for donations of $20 or more.



CASH and CHEQUES collected by a WDP 2025 Service Coordinator:

After the service:

  1. Complete the Offering Form

If you like, you can fill it in on your computer and email it to

  • Make sure that your email address or phone number is at the top.
  • For all donations of $20 or more by cheque or cash, include the person’s name, mailing address and offering amount. Do not record any donations that are given online.
  • Make a photocopy of your completed Offering Form for your records.


2. Gather all the items to be sent.

Include the Offering Form (see above) and the cheques: individuals’ offering cheques, and a cheque, bank draft or money order for the cash offerings. If you emailed us your Offering Form, please add a note to tell us.


3. Send everything directly to:

WICC (Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada)

47 Queen’s Park Crescent East, Toronto, ON  M5S 2C3


Frequently Asked Questions

When should I send my Offering Form to WICCWithin a month of your service or event.

Should I include the service offering envelopes (yellow?) with my remittance?  No. Save the service envelopes with your photocopy of the completed Tax Receipt Request Form until April 30, 2026.

Should I send cash to WICC?  NO.  Please write out one cheque for all the cash donations.

How will I know WICC has received my offering?  WICC will confirm they have received your offering if you check that option on the Offering Form.