Frequently Asked Questions about World Day of Prayer (WDP 2025)

How is the writing committee chosen for World Day of Prayer?  In August 2017, 188 delegates traveled from around the world to attend the World Day of Prayer International Meeting in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. These women came from Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox traditions to pray together, share their stories in community, and make decisions for the future of the movement. It was an executive committee of these delegates who selected the writer committee for 2025.

How is the theme chosen for World Day of Prayer? Every five years, the World Day of Prayer International conference is held. Each national committee is given the opportunity to submit a theme, along with a suitable Bible passage. During this international meeting, a committee considers the various suggestions for themes, and then chooses themes as well as writing regions for the next five years. The Cook Islands was chosen to be the writing committee for 2025 and was given the theme on which to base the service.

What is the membership structure of the World Day of Prayer International Committee? The WDPIC constitution divides its membership by 7 regions in order not to be restricted by geo-political designations. “Regions” of the world are namely, Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Caribbean-North America and Pacific.

How should we receive the World Day of Prayer service written by the Cook Islands writing committee? Each year the WDP theme and the worship service developed by women of another region is a gift. Receiving it is a spiritual process. It needs time, open hearts and minds, careful listening and speaking, willingness to stretch beyond what is familiar. When we receive the liturgy in a local community, we begin by ensuring that there is an atmosphere that is spiritually open and non-judgmental. In this way we can listen to the voices of faraway women and to the biblical message they want to convey to us. In a climate of attentive listening, we will hear them speak about their hopes and fears, joys and sorrows, and at the same time we will listen to the women next to us and find our own response. We use silence to reflect and pray.

Are World Day of Prayer donations given to the writing committee region? No, donations in Canada support future World Day of Prayer services as well as grants provided in Canada and internationally. World Day of Prayer grant applications are received via and carefully assessed.

How many people can we expect at our service? Your planning committee members can give you a sense of attendance based on feedback from their home churches and communities. If there was a 2024 WDP service in your area, please check with the coordinators on attendance to get an estimate for 2025.

Does WICC advertise individual services? Service Coordinators can log into their account and post a service under the Service Locations Map.  We are also happy to post service information on our Facebook and Instagram pages.  Email your information to It’s important to advertise WDP services in your communities.  Please check the Planning Guide on ways to promote WDP.

Is World Day of Prayer an event for women, only? World Day of Prayer is for everyone. Services are often led by women.  Coordinators are encouraged to invite men and children to be participants.

Is there a fee for attending World Day of Prayer services and events? Donations are encouraged at services to continue the funding of World Day of Prayer in Canada as well as fund grants that support social justice projects for women and families.  Events, such as paint nights, may include a fee that includes support for World Day of Prayer.

What is the meaning behind the symbol for World Day of Prayer? The symbol for World Day of Prayer was developed by the women of Ireland and adopted as the international logo in 1982. Its design is made up of arrows converging from the four points of the compass, people kneeling in prayer, the cross, and the circle, representing the world and our unity through all our diversity.