Grant Stories

Efforts Integrated Development Foundation

Efforts Integrated Development Foundation (EINTEDEF) is a local NGO operating in Uganda. Its programme activities empower vulnerable communities, focusing on themes such as climate change, WASH, child protection, HIV/AIDS, gender based violence and family health.

Quick Facts

Country: Uganda

Grant Program: World Day of Prayer

Year of Grant: 2018-2019

Grant Amount: $5,000

Mushroom Production Expansion; and Tailoring Skills for Young Women

EINTEDEF expanded and strengthened their mushroom production and introduced sewing techniques to adolescent/young girls living with HIV. When the group publicized that WICC financially supported their initiative, there was much excitement in the meeting room. People clapped and shouted: Thank you Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada.

The excitement continued as four additional mushroom houses were constructed, each with 60 gardens. More EINTEDEF women were trained in crop production leading to a strong sense of earning and collaborative problem solving. Beyond the tangible skills, education in entrepreneurship, HIV/AIDS and business management was provided.


Eight sewing machines were purchased to train 20 young women in tailoring. Having dropped out of school, and some being young single mothers with no employment and little formal education, the future seemed bleak. Hygiene maintenance was also a concern. Now, they earn some money from the production sales of reusable sanitary pads, a product that developed from hygiene and tailoring education.