Responding to Survivors

How can we recognize abuse and respond effectively to survivors? How can we foster safe churches and communities for our adults and children? How can we seek prevention, and where does justice-making fit into all of this?

Learn More

Articles - woman lecturing crowd


Planning a workshop? Click for helpful tips, sample schedules, and a variety of activities and exercises.

Workshop Resources

students working together on long picnic table

Small Groups

Suggested Bible Study guidelines. We offer various resources: the stories of Hagar, Jephthah’s Daughter, Tamar, and the Unnamed Woman. In addition, learn about leading a Study Group on Pastoral Sexual Abuse.

Guiding Your Small Group

Events by WICC

Planning a Worship Service

Resources for planning a service on this topic. Read about symbols in worship, the Wailing Wall, and sermon theme ideas.

Incorporating These Themes into Worship

Safe Place Policies

What are safe place policies, and why are they necessary? Information and a checklist for your church.

Do We Need New Policies?

Going Further

You've organized workshops, services or other events against gender-based violence. What next?

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