Overview: Understanding Violence

Helpful background on violence in our world and its roots. How do the words we use matter? What is the role of churches?

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Intimate Partner Abuse

Everything you need to know about intimate partner abuse. What does it look like? How does it disproportionately affect different groups (racism, ableism, ageism, newcomers, rural communities)? Why can't she leave? How are children and communities affected?

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Sexual Violence

More information about sexual violence and its effects.

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Child Sexual Abuse

What this type of abuse looks like, its risk factors and power dynamics, and its long-term effects.

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Pastoral Abuse

In-depth resource on abuse when a pastor is involved. What is involved in this issue? Where can you go from there?

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Theology of Abuse

Gender-based violence through a Scriptural lens. Suffering, obedience, forgiveness and other topics.

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Men Who Commit Abuse

Frequent characteristics of abusers.

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Does porn contribute to gender-based violence?

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Human Trafficking

A brief introduction to the issue of human trafficking.

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