Charitable Donation Tax Receipts – how and when they are produced

Every dollar is important and your support is greatly appreciated.

Here are some notes for online receipts to understand how and when they are produced:

1. Donors using the Donate button on will be prompted for their contact information and a receipt will be emailed from CanadaHelps.

2. If donors use the CanadaHelps website to donate, a charity receipt will automatically be generated through their CanadaHelps account.

3. If donors use Donate By Text from on their mobile phones or text “give” to 647 953-5557, they will receive an automatic email notification. The income tax receipt will later be produced and mailed by the WICC office.


If you mailed a cheque or donated more than $20 in a WDP offering plate, the income tax receipt will be produced and mailed by the WICC office. This process may take up to four months. By November 1, 2024, for example, you should have received tax receipts for all donations sent by the end of August 2024.

Please consider becoming a monthly donor. Once you set it up through the online donation page, deductions are automatic. $10/month becomes $120/year which will really help!

Legacy donations are also possible by including the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada in your will under Charitable Business Number 10821 9890 RR0001. Why not leave a legacy that reflects the way that you lived?

Questions?  Please call 416.929.5184 or email

Thank you for your generous donations to the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada and World Day of Prayer!