Promoting World Day of Prayer

1. Become familiar with WDP resources and all 2025 service options.

2. Notify COMMUNITY CHURCHES with phone calls and/or emails to pastors, office administrators and contacts for any church organizations.

Ask for the service information to be marked on church calendars, websites, print bulletins and electronic messaging boards.

Supply bulletin inserts when and where applicable.

Inform churches about the full-length video service.  

3. Reach out and distribute information in the COMMUNITY. Print posters, forward media releases, send out invitations, where and when applicable.

Click here for posters to put up in churches, community centers, ice arenas, grocery stores, libraries, post offices, etc. where and when applicable. 

Click here for Media Release.

Call, email and text friends, neighbours and community groups.  Use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Advertise using free sites such as online community newsletters.  Leaders and organizations in the community may be willing to add WDP information to their websites and other communication tools.

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