Hello to all. I’m the Rev. Lynn Mitchell of Trenton, Ontario. This beautiful town is located on the Bay of Quinte, at the mouth of the Trent-Severn waterway.
I have several roles with the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada: Anglican Church appointed representative, chair of the Fellowship of the Least Coin (FLC) board team and Liaison to the ICFLC (International Council FLC).
I have known about WICC for many years because of World Day of Prayer services. I’m good at taking words off the page and giving them a local flavour, and so I have often assisted with the creative process of services. My involvement with WICC deepened after receiving an email from the Anglican Church of Canada’s National Archbishop letting me know that they hoped that I would become the Church representative to WICC. After receiving a letter of appointment from the Primate (Anglican Archbishop), the role became official.
I soon realized that WICC was a much broader organization than WDP. Behind an awesome board and excellent director, there is an amazing breadth and variety of ministries being supported: grants to restore justice to women and children, Fellowship of the Least Coin and Thursdays in Black, to name a few. I am especially proud of Awit Marcelino, former WICC board member, who served as the FLC Liaison before me Among other things, Awit created a wonderful new ICFLC website. Check it out at https://www.fellowshipoftheleastcoin.org/flc
I endeavour to live out the WICC vision personally through prayer and reflection. I’m supportive of community initiatives and lead three churches in Christian ministry. Part of my ethos is to be as inclusive as I possibly can be in my church leadership role, and continue to expand the world view in my corner by keeping informed, and remaining open to being challenged. During a recent visit with my daughter and her friend, who is originally from Nicaragua, we discussed white privilege infused into Christian femininity during the 60s and 70s. Young women are now critiquing what was excluded – looking at feminism through different lenses. The following quote by Desmond Tutu inspires me: Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.
I continue to let others know about the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada. It is a diverse group in terms of both supporters and those who receive support through grants.
I encourage others to read the story of the Syrophoenician woman in chapter 7 of the Gospel of Mark, and be inspired by the courage of women, the risk to heal, and the grace to overcome and recognize their worth.
Thank you, Lynn, for taking up the call to be on the WICC Board and serving with passion and creativity. Your willingness to engage questions and think deeply is a gift to the Board and WICC on a broader scale as, together, we all seek to be rooted in prayer and faithful in action.